PeakFinder App

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The mountains are calling! Explore more mountains than any mountaineer! PeakFinder makes it possible… and shows the names of all mountains and peaks with a 360° panorama display.
This functions completely offline - and worldwide!

PeakFinder knows more than 1'000'000 peaks - from Mount Everest to the little hill around the corner.


PeakFinder shows a 360° panoramic view from an arbitrary viewpoint of your choice. To render the panoramic views PeakFinder uses an elevation model that is integrated into the App. A database with a peak directory is included as well. For these reasons PeakFinder does not need an online connection for rendering the panoramic view and works completely offline from anywhere in the mountains.

Current location

Press the GPS button bottom right to see the panoramic mountain view from your current location.

Camera mode

By pressing the camera button you can overlay the image of your camera with the panorama drawing.

Lookout for a prominent mountain around you or for the sun position. Then drag the panorama drawing to the correct postion of the camera image.


Use the shutter button to take take a high-resolution photo of your panoramic view. You can edit the photo later and share it with your friends.

After pressing the shutter button, a mini view of the photo will appear next to the compass. If you press on it, you can edit and export the photo with the mountain names.

Edit photo

Open the PeakFinder menu 'Photos' to fine-tune your images and export them. By zooming in or using the telescope you can identify many new mountain peaks. You may also import any image from other sources.

You can show or hide the mountain silhouettes by clicking on the mountain symbol in the lower right corner of the display. Below you will find the export function. With this button you can save the photo in the gallery or export it to any destination.

Calibrate compass

If the panoramic view shudders or is not pointing in the correct direction, you can calibrate the compass. Press the icon below the compass for further instructions.

If the panoramic view is still not aligned correctly after the calibration of the compass, you may correct the alignment manually. Just drag the panorama display to the desired direction. The small point circling the compass symbol indicates the correction.

Activate compass

If you hold your device upright, the panorama is automatically aligned with the direction of the compass.

If you hold your device flat, you can manually adjust the panorama by using touch gestures.

Touch mountain name

Touching a mountain name brings up additional information about this peak. If you then press on the bird, you can 'fly' on this mountain.


If you tap on the middle of the display, a 'telescope' appears. With this, you can also identify less prominent mountains.

Fly up

By touching the arrows on the left you can fly vertically up and down. Doing this you can see what is hidden behind the mountain range.


On the bottom left you'll find a button with sliders. With these sliders you may correct the compass direction, set the visibility range, and change date/time of the solar and lunar orbit.


Mark mountains and places you like. These can be your favorite mountains, mountains where you have already been or mountains you want to climb. You can also mark your home. So you can see if it would be visible from a mountain top.

With an account you can link your marks with your other devices and the PeakFinder website. PeakFinder also works without an account. Then the markers remain stored only on your device.

Viewpoint selection

Via the menu option 'Viewpoint selection' you can discover any mountain landscape from a random location in the world.

Visible peaks

Via the menu option 'Visible peaks' you will receive a list of all mountains visible from your current location. PeakFinder will also show you where this mountain is located.

Offline mode

Via the menu option 'Offline mode' you can install or remove additional areas from other mountain regions.